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Why is my CPU usage so high when I do nothing?

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CPU is the primary unit of the computer. It holds data operations and the functionality of the device, too. However, the common problem is that its user ratio gets high without use. However, these issues generally occur while leaving the app operational in the background or with malware. In this situation, you can restart your CPU to resolve the problem.

Why is High CPU Usage Dangerous?

When your CPU usage is high to a dangerous level, then you can face some problems concerning these. Further, it could be an unresponsive computer, crashed software, or automatic shutdown of devices. Besides this, there might be hardware issues, which can make this problem worse and lead the CPU to repair centers. At the same time, this is a primary unit, so it should be used more cautiously and safely.

How do I fix high CPU usage?

When the CPU performance is high regularly, it might impact a device. Furthermore, if you need clarification about how to fix high CPU usage, then worry not because this guide is listed at the bottom.

1. Shutdown or restart the device

When your CPU is running on high, and you cannot identify the basis of the problem, the simplest method you can try to fix is restarting the device. In this case, your background app could be suspended, and your problem could be resolved. If you face a similar condition afterward, other reasons could affect that.

2. Update windows 

Windows gets updates from time to time. If you are using an older version, then your apps might not function appropriately, which is why your CPU could put on a high consumption ratio. However, you can avoid the same by identifying the problem, and if this is the case, then by an update, you can bypass this process.

3. Restore drivers

A faulty driver can put an additional load upon the CPU, and that might extend the range of normal usage limits. So, you get to identify that driver, and you can either uninstall it or restore it to enhance its performance.

How much CPU usage is normal?

The capacity of the CPU is dependent on its processor, and that is why the usage range is dependent on that basis. Furthermore, the normal range of it could be between 1% to 5% for normal usage, and for games, it should be between 30%. However, if you have installed an SSD driver in your system, the normal capacity could be extended, and the risk of getting high could not be an issue.

How to improve CPU performance?

The CPU is an integral and utmost part of a device. So, if you keep this unit protected and in proper shape, then you are conveniently able to work. Further, if you have to improve your performance, then you have to take into consideration certain matters, and you can identify the same from the points:-

  • Do not install unauthorized applications
  • Add SSD to your system
  • Install anti-malware devices
  • Expand your RAM capacity

Can a virus cause high CPU usage?

Yes, viruses cause high CPU usage. This is because malware on a device could affect the functionality of other software, and due to that, the CPU could be running on a high consumption ratio at any time. Besides this, there might be a possibility that your device could be accessed remotely, which might have a huge impact on the device. However, if you installed an antivirus in a device and scan a system regularly, you may be protected from such issues.


A reading through the above heading can give you appropriate information on high cpu usage problems and ways to fix them. Still, if you cannot find out the problem, you can get aid from your respective customer service or take it to a nearby service center.

Read Also:- How do I fix Windows system errors?

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